Tin Free Steel

TFS's exceptional high corrosion resistance and printability ensures a reliable performance for packaging applications that demand quality and preservation and is an economical choice compared to tinplate.

Product Inquiry


  • Food and Beverage
  • Twist-off Caps
  • Easy-open Ends
  • Classic (standard) Ends
Food and Beverage Cans

Food and Beverage Cans

Twist-off Caps

Crown Caps

Classic (standard) Ends

Lug Caps (Bottle Caps)

Food Cans

OCD Image

Standard Specifications

Code D 3614 SPTFS A657 G 3315 SPTFS 10202

Coating Weight

단위: mg/㎡
Symbol Metal Chrome Oxide Chrome
Coating Range (m²) ≥ 30 ≥ 5


단위: mg/㎡
Symbol Weight Remarks
D-1 4.5 For Printing and Coating Applications
D-2 8 White Base (Unprinted, Uncoated)
D-3 12.5 White Base (Unprinted, Uncoated)

Surface Treatment

단위: mg/㎡
Type Treatment Details Coating Weight Remarks
None Unmarked None 2-Piece Can
300 Dip Treatment 1.6 Food Cans
311 Cathodic Sodium Dichromate 4.0 General Cans, Food & Beverage Cans

Base Steel

Code D 3516 SPB A 625 SPB 10202

Product Specifications

1 Classification by Steel Grade

Steel Grade Applications
MR (Medium Residual) MR steel contains low levels of residual elements, making it widely suitable for general container applications.(Common container material)
L (Low Metalloid Steel) L steel features very low levels of residual elements such as Cu, Ni, Cr, and Mo, making it ideal for food containers that require high corrosion resistance.(Material for containers used with highly corrosive foods)
D (Drawing) D steel is aluminum-killed and is used in containers that undergo deep drawing processes or are prone to stretcher strain (Luder's Lines).(Material for process-intensive containers)

2 Classification by Temper

Temper grade of SR (single-reduced) blackplate is specified by the Rockwell T hardness (HR30Tm).

SymbolRockwell RangeRemarks
T50 T1 45~54 Drawn requirements, nozzles, spouts
T52 T2 49~57 Battery shells
T55 T2.5 51~59 18L Cans
T57 T3 53~59 General Cans
T61 T4 57~65 General Cans, Bottle Caps
T65 T5 61~69 Food Cans (Top/End)
*Hardness of plates less than 0.21mm in nominal thickness is normally measured in HR15T scale and then converted to the HR30T scale.

Temper grade of DR (double-reduced) blackplate is specified by either the Rockwell T hardness (HR30Tm) or 0.2% yield strength.

Symbol Average Rockwell Hardness Average 0.2% Yield Strength Remarks
DR450 68 ± 4 450 ± 70 Aerosol, Food and Beverage Cans
DR520 72 ± 4 520 ± 70 Aerosol, Food and Beverage Cans
DR550 73 ± 4 550 ± 70 Aerosol, Food and Beverage Cans
DR580 74 ± 4 580 ± 70 DRD (Draw and Redraw) Cans, Food and Beverage Cans
DR620 76 ± 4 620 ± 70 DRD (Draw and Redraw) Cans, Food and Beverage Cans
- - - -
*Hardness of plates less than 0.21mm in nominal thickness is normally measured in HR15T scale and then converted to the HR30T scale.

3 Classification by Surface Finish

ProductsNameSymbolCharacteristicsRoughness (Ra/μm)
SR (single-reduced) Bright
B BF Smooth, highly polished surface achieved through fine stone grinding, followed by coating. 0.20~0.40
R RX Characterized by visible, directional brush marks from stone grinding, followed by coating. 0.38~0.58
S D7 Base steel with a rough, dull surface. Tin coating is flow-melted for a bright, reflective appearance. 0.70~1.30
M D7 Base steel with a rough, dull surface. Tin coating is not flow-melted, resulting in a matte appearance. 0.70~1.30
DR (double-reduced) Stone
R RD Base steel with visible, directional brush marks from stone grinding, without coating. 0.25~0.45


Sheet Dimensions