




Stock Information [ Based on 2024/12/22 03:28:28 (장마감) ]
    • Current Price28,300
    • Day compared to 1,250(-4.23%)
    • Trading Volume 162,754
    • Transaction Price 4,688,857,100
    • [IR person in charge]
    • TEL : 02-2633-3311 (Press 4)
    • e-mail :
Open 29,450 Upper Limit 38,400
High Price 29,850 Lower Limit 20,700
Low Price 28,300 Par Value 1000
PER 0.00 52 Shares
(Based on Closing Price)
Highest 85,900
Listed Shares 26,213,697 Lowest 27,000
Remaining Balance A&B Number of Shares Remaining
924 28,250
2,500 28,200
2,109 28,150
1,683 28,100
1,871 28,050
28,500 268
28,450 812
28,400 2
28,350 241
28,300 98
9,087 SUM 1,421
Time Contracted Price Change Ask Bid Bid Size
15:30:00 28,300 1,250 28,300 28,250 7,447
15:20:00 28,450 1,100 28,300 28,250 1
15:19:50 28,450 1,100 28,450 28,400 12
15:19:40 28,450 1,100 28,450 28,400 35
15:19:30 28,400 1,150 28,400 28,350 232
15:19:10 28,400 1,150 28,400 28,350 609
15:18:50 28,400 1,150 28,400 28,350 100
15:18:30 28,350 1,200 28,400 28,350 120
15:18:00 28,350 1,200 28,400 28,350 26
15:17:40 28,400 1,150 28,400 28,350 58
Selling Top Buying Top
Securities Company Volume Securities Company Volume
MRASDW 31,214 Kiwoomcom Securitie 21,886
Korea Investment S 15,256 KB Sec 19,573
Kiwoomcom Securitie 15,246 MRASDW 18,839
NHIS 13,790 NHIS 17,959
JPMorgan Securitie 12,614 Korea Investment S 14,492
Date Close Change Open High Low Volume Transaction Price
24/12/20 28,300 1,250 29,450 29,850 28,300 162,754 4,688,857,100
24/12/19 29,550 950 29,750 29,950 29,300 125,238 3,702,767,350
24/12/18 30,500 550 29,900 30,750 29,900 113,199 3,436,692,100
24/12/17 29,950 1,550 31,500 31,700 29,900 197,083 5,954,730,200
24/12/16 31,500 600 31,200 31,900 31,050 154,930 4,868,781,850
24/12/13 30,900 1,450 31,800 32,050 30,600 262,952 8,154,476,950
24/12/12 32,350 1,200 32,500 32,500 31,000 175,257 5,570,643,950
24/12/11 31,150 150 30,800 32,000 30,650 117,743 3,681,707,600
24/12/10 31,000 2,050 29,250 31,000 29,250 170,209 5,179,824,600
24/12/09 28,950 3,400 31,600 31,700 28,900 341,310 10,185,453,450